I love the Art Deco style, particularly the later Streamline Moderne variant. I’m also a big fan of Dieselpunk (and totally loved the visual style of the film “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”). So I was overjoyed to…
LBD, a photo by Jo.Boyd on Flickr. A Little Black Dress I bought on eBay. It’s rather cute, I think.
Bargain bootment
Bought these today. What a bargain! And cute & comfy too!
Skater Gurl
Skater Gurl, a photo by Joanne (Hay Llamas!) on Flickr. Via Flickr: A lovely skater dress by Oasis that I managed to get on eBay for £14. Bargain!
We’re ess aitch oh pea pea eye en gee…
I went shopping today (quelle surprise) and found some absolute bargains. It seems everyone still has a sale on of some sort. I know everyone is struggling financially at the moment, but if you do have a little disposable income…
Hello and welcome!
I’m really looking forward to this weekend. I have at least 3 outfits that I want to take vain self-portraits of, and also I have my new MAC makeup to try, now that I have found the missing items (long…
Of corset I like you.
Of corset I like you., a photo by Joanne (Hay Llamas!) on Flickr. 700 views! Update: 3,378 views as of 14-Aug-13!
Testing… one.. two… one…
Yay I started a blog at last!