Do you know which ear a guy who wears an earring wears it in says about his sexuality?
- If he wears an earring in his left ear, then it means he has an earring in his left ear.
- If he wears an earring in his right ear, then it means he has an earring in his right ear.
Likewise, do you know what the clothes a transgender / gender-fluid person with XX chromosomes wears says about their gender?
- When they wear guy clothes then it means they are a transgender person wearing guy clothes.
- When they wear female clothes then it means they are a transgender person wearing female clothes (and not ‘a transvestite’ or ‘a freak pretending to be a woman’).
I hope this clears up any confusion.
I’m also told by a young person that if a guy wears big diamond studs in both ears, then it means he’s a ‘gangsta’.
Whereas what it actually means is that he simply has big diamond studs in both ears.
And a man who wears socks and sandles? (asking for a friend)